Messenger smart links are useful because when your followers clicks on it, it will automatically switch
from Instagram app into the messenger app with already pre entered mobile number in the app. With Whatsapp for example, it will automatically enter the number into the app and will generate the chat, saving a lot of time for your follower.
In order to connect messaging app, click on "Messengers & Social Networks". Select the messaging app as "Whatsapp", "Skype", "Telegram", "Facebook Messenger" or "Viber".
How to add Whatsapp Messenger or Viber Messenger
Type your number starting from country code into "Whatsapp number:" as +971550000000.
Optionally, type a message into "Message" box, on click of Whatsap link, the link will open Whatsapp app with chat generated and text in "Message" box will be entered into the chat automatically. It is also useful if you would like to know
about what exactly the person is reaching out e.g. "Hello! Reaching out to you about your service of financial consultation.".
If you would like the link to have a text next to Whatsapp icon, then type in that text into "Text near icon".
Scroll down to select the width of your messenger link where "full width" is a usual long button, "half width" can contain two links making them 50% smaller and "No width" is a small link where multiple such "No width" can fit into one line.
Next, select "Font size", this defines the link size too. "Large size" will make the link bigger, where "Small size" will make the font smaller and link too.
If you would the link to have only Whatsapp icon, without background color and branding then select background as transparent.
Click on Add to add the link.
How to add Skype, Telegram and Facebook Messenger smart link
Once you click on "Messengers & Social Networks" then the messenger type Skype, Telegram or Facebook Messenger. Then, type the username as "contactinbio" without http or https.
If you would like the link to have a text next to the Skype, Telegram or Facebook Messenger icon, then type in that text into "Text near icon".
Scroll down to select the width of your messenger link where "full width" is a usual long button, "half width" can contain two links making them 50% smaller and "No width" is a small link where multiple such "No width" can fit into one line.
Next, select "Font size", this defines the link size too. "Large size" will make the link bigger, where "Small size" will make the font smaller and link too.
If you would the link to have only Skype, Telegram or Facebook Messenger icon, without background color and branding then select background as transparent.
Click on "Add" to add the block.
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