Change background of your page

Recommended image sizes:

If you want the page to be visible on mobile then perfect size is 1067x1600 pixels
If you will use your page on both web and mobile:
1080x2400 pixels
or 1920x1080 pixels
To change the background of your page click on "Background" on left panel on desktop and on mobile click on "Design". Scroll down to find out the themes we offer to pick.
We offer 21 free colorful themes, 3 plain themes with white background and 56 premium themes.

If you want your links to have rounded design, click on on "Rounded buttons".
For outlined links, where the background of the link is transparent leaving only border, then click on "Outlined buttons".
For outlined social media buttons, there is separate button under "Outlined buttons" called "outlined for social media buttons".

You can also add a video as your page background by copy pasting a video url or by selecting a video from the library we offer. Scroll down and click on "Select video from library", type into search video tag and click on the video you like. Then click on "Save".

If you want your own background color, upload background image or background gradient color, then click on "Create your own theme".
For your own background color, select "Color" from the dropdown. Click on "color" and select your color.
For gradient background color, select "Gradient color" and pick two colors. Then you can also change background gradient direction, usually it is 0, but you can change it to any number as for example 90 or 180.
For your own background image, select "Image", click on select, select the image and click on Upload.

Select text color for text on your page and link title text. Button color is a background color of your links. Each link contains its own unique color you can add while adding the link, but if you will tick the checkbox "Change all your link background and title colors?" it will automatically apply the colors you selected to all your links at the page.

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Reach out to us by a live chat on bottom right corner or by sending us a message on contact form.